By using this site, you signify your agreement to abide by its terms of use. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please do not use this site or become a member of our services. is not a charity and does not handle any donations directly to any charities or groups. Instead we provide information to users around the world who would like to connect with charities and organizations operating in Greater China. When you use our site, platform, or respond to any activity or promotion in an email, you agree to hold free from any and all liability related to any positive or negative effect caused by your use or misuse of any request for donations or participation with a 3rd party organization. does investigate and research the organizations it promotes to its users like you, but this research and investigation should not be considered whole and complete. You are wholly responsible for conducting your own due diligence and research on any organization prior to any effort or monetary commitment you make.
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These terms of use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Chinese Law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Chinese courts. The platform reserves the right to change these terms of use at any time, with or without notice to you. You will be bound by any such revisions and should therefore periodically visit this page to review the then current terms of use to which you will be bound. and are also not responsible for any donations you
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In the event that or any other member of the website consider or determine, in their sole discretion, that you have breached, violated or contravened these terms of use or have otherwise demonstrated inappropriate conduct in the use of the website, they reserve the absolute right to: warn you via email that you have violated these terms of use and ask you to discontinue such conduct; delete any material or content which you post to the news section or any other areas of the site; discontinue your membership of the website and/or any other related subscriptions to additional services; and take measures (including terminating, suspending or restricting your use of the website) to prevent you from using the website or linking to the site.